My company is interested in acquiring the services of a company who handles express air cargo to India. While we realize it may be easy for some to make the assumption that all air cargo is express, that is not entirely the case at all. This is why we are specific in our request for information regarding express air cargo. We have a shipment of medical supplies that are destined to the local university that is located at Mumbai, India. This shipment is palletized, and is ready to be shipped. It consists of 3 pallets, and each pallet is shrink-wrapped sufficiently to prevent movement during shipping. However, we also need your assurances that this shipment will arrive in India undamaged. Can your company guarantee that request? Please also send your pricing information on how much you will charge to deliver this shipment. Does your company include tracking information? This is a necessary requirement, as you will understand. Please direct this shipping information to the provided email address as that will expedite my receiving it. Thank you greatly for this.