Shipping to
Excess Baggage

Expedited Air cargo to China

Hardwood Supplies
Posted by: Frankie Yeltsin

I hope I am not lost and have posted my inquiry to the correct forum. I need to send a couple of crates of hardwood supplies. The quantity is too small for me to contract a container service, so I must inquire into expedited air cargo to China. If your company can complete this delivery from our warehouse that is located outside of Denver, Colorado, in the United States, then you are just the one that we need to connect. We have requested expedited air cargo since that is what our customer at Beijing has requested. One crate is 5 ft long by 3 ft wide and 2.5 ft deep. This crate weighs slightly less than 253 pounds. The second crate is 6 ft long, 4 ft wide, and 3 ft deep. It weighs 312 pounds. How much will you charge to ship these two crates by expedited air cargo to China? If you will be so generous as to send us your current shipping information kit, we will appreciate it. The email included here goes directly to me. Thanks.